Wednesday, 31 October 2012

News Story 8

News Story 8

News Story 8 comes from CNN. It is an article on three men winning awards. This would be considered a Personalisation News Story as it targets a special audience that are interested in this category. 

News Story 7

News Story 7

News Story 7 also comes from the DailyMail TV&Showbiz category. It is about two celebrities who are both nominated for a Music award. This News Story is definitely considered an Elite News Story, and a Personalisation News Story as it involves two very well known singers which only interest some. It is also a Frequency News Story as it is very often that Singers are nominated for Awards. 

News Story 6

News Story 6

News Story 6  comes from the DailyMail News section, as mentioned the DailyMail is a British News Network. It is an article about Obama's daughters "finally showing their faces" during Obamas election campaign. It is considered a Immediacy News Story as it involves the election of the President of the United States and came to the top of the agenda on a British News Network, it is also a Familiarity News Story as it based in the United States. it is an Amplitude News Story because it involves two different political parties in the USA electing a new President. It is also considered an Elite News Story because it does consider well known people in the public's eye. 

News Story 5

News Story 5

News Story 5 comes from FOX News which is an American News Network. This article is about the Israel-Gaza conflict that has been ongoing for a while. It is an article that also made it up top due to it being a Conflict News Story. It is also a Negativity News Story as many people lost lives during a conflict between two different peoples. Some may consider it a Frequency News Story as both parties are in constant war and are rarely in peace. It is an Amplitude News Story because it involves people in the South of Israel and the Civilians in Gaza living in constant fear due to the disagreement between Hamas and the Israeli Government.

News Story 4

News Story 4

News Story 4 comes from the BBC News category. It is a news article about Hurricane Sandy which affected the East-Coast of the United States extremely badly in the past couple of weeks. This is definitely considered an Immediacy News Story as it is Breaking News and shot straight up to the top of the agenda. It is also proved to be extremely important because it was the top of the agenda on a British News Channel. It is also a Familiarity News Story because it hit a very populated and tourist based city. It is also an Amplitude News Story because it affected many lives and caused a lot of damage to the East-Coast of America. It was a Predicted News Story, however also a Surprise News Story because no one could estimate how bad it was going to be. Lastly it is definitely a Negativity News Story because many lives were lost and many homes and local places were destroyed. 

News Story 3

News Story 3
News Story 3 comes from CNN which is an American based News Network. This article proves that it is top of the list in the United States as it is talking about the current economic situation in the United States. Because it is based in the United States it will be a Familiarity News Story, an Amplitude News Story because it includes a lot of people who lost their jobs and who received jobs, it would also be considered as Personalisation News Story because it is in the publics interest to know about the economic situation. 

News Story 2

News Story 2

News Story 2 comes from the Daily Mail TV&Showbiz Section, it targets a very different audience to the first News Story as it is more gossip. It is an article about Kim Kardashian and boyfriend rapper Kanye West announcing that they are expecting a child together. This article is a Personalisation News Story as well as being an Elite News Story. It can be considered as a Surprise News Story as it was not really expected by the public. 

News Story 1

News Story 1

News Story 1 comes from the BBC Sport category. FIFAPRO XI It is a worldwide organization for football players around the world. This article is considered important in the news section, because 2 very famous Chelsea Football Club and England Football Club Players have been chosen to be in this elite group, because they represent the United Kingdoms football team it is considered a Familiarity News Story as well as being an Elite News Story.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The 5W's and News Values

The 5W's are used by journalists as a way for getting the full story across to the reader. While researching about News Stories it was evident that every story consists of the 5W's. The 5W's are the information audiences expect to be in the information when reading or listening to the news. Often the news stories will cover the 5W's in the beginning of the story. 

The 5W's consist of:

WHO is it about?

WHAT happened?

WHERE did it happen?

WHEN did it take place?

WHY did it happen?

HOW did it happen? 

Now that I know what the 5 W's are and how they define news stories, I now understand how i will have to have to use it when creating my own News Stories for my final task. 

News Values are a way of determining which stories are more important for the audience to listen to. Normally during the News on the radio there is not as much time as their is when watching the News on the Television so the stations have to cram the most important news stories in in a short time slot. This is why the News Values are very important so that the news presenter can differentiate between what news stories are more valuable to the audience.   

The News Values are: 
Immediacy - Has it happened recently? is it "Breaking News"
Familiarity - Is it culturally or geographically close to us?
Amplitude - Is it a big event or one which involves a lot of people?
Frequency - Does the event happen often?
Impact - Does the story have a profound effect on us?
Predictability - Did we expect it to happen?
Surprise - Is it an unusual or unexpected event?
Continuity - Is it part of an ongoing story?
Conflict - Does the story contain drama in  describing disagreements, fights or battles between two organisations? 
Elite People - Does the story concern well known people, such as celebrities or people in the public eye? 
Personalisation - Is it a human interest story?
Negativity - Is it bad news? 
Scandal - Is the story likely to provoke moral outrage?
Balance - Does the story balance out the others?

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Evaluation for Preliminary Task

Having completed my preliminary task, I now feel that i have a much better understanding of how to use Adobe Audition the editing software. It allows me to combine different sounds and edit them to create authentic sounding locations- such as that found in my archive clip.
Writing the script is a very important part of the radio show, and i now know i must put more research into writing the ideal script. As well as writing the script, it is also crucial to pick the perfect people to be in the Radio show. For my preliminary task I just picked the most random 3 people. 
I also need to listen to more radio so i get a greater understanding of how my Radio show should sound. 

Jingle #1 is the original recording of the Jingle. This was recorded on Shure SM58 Microphone and Macki Mixer. It is directly attached to the computer, which means everything is recorded into the computer. 
Jingle #2 is the edited version of the Jingle as there was a small mistake in the beginning so it had to be cut out. I also added some time in between the "Love fm, 106.1" and "Music from the heart" as it was too close together and needed some space. 
Jingle is the final and finished version as i also added some music in the background by layering audio tracks on the Multi-track screen. 
You can hear the finished Jingle above. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Possible sound effects for Preliminary Task

As part of Preliminary Task, i am including an extract from an imaginary romantic comedy as my archive clip. The Scene takes place next to a busy main road, so i want to include the sounds of Traffic, People walking and Car horns. I have taken the following tracks from the BBC sound effects library- You can listen to the Audio below:

1. Street Sounds: 03 street with pedestrians/general chatter, footsteps and distant traffic. From the BBC  Sound Effects Library 07(Crowds)
2. Car Horns : 09 BMW Hooter. From the BBC Sound Effects Library 05(Transport)
3. Car Horns : 17 Rolls ext/horns. From the BBC Sound Effects Library 05(Transport)
4. City Traffic : 08 City Traffic. From the BBC Sound Effects Library 03(exterior atmospheres)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Preliminary Task Script

Below is the script for my Preliminary Task. It is short but to the point and helped me understand how to use the recording equipment and how to use the editing software. The preliminary task includes a jingle, news presenter, guest and an extract from a clip. 

LOVE FM 106.1
‘Music from the heart’
Ella: Hi you’re back with Ella on Love FM. Today we have with us the star of the new romantic comedy “Three’s Company”, heartthrob Ben Law
Ben: Hi Ella, Great to be here
Ella: So the movies out on Friday and there’s a real buzz about the chemistry between you and co-star Lizzie Fox. Lets take a listen to a clip
Derek: I’ve been a fool… all this time I’ve been unhappy when the woman I love has been right here under my nose.
Mark: It’s not to late, if you go now you might make it to the airport in time
Derek: but look at the traffic, there is no chance…
Kate: Derek
Derek: Kate?

Monday, 1 October 2012

Production Brief

For my AS coursework I am going to Script, research and edit an extract from a Radio show which will include a news bulletin. I will create a preliminary task which will include a jingle, a news presenter a guest, and a clip featuring the guest.