Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Evaluation - Preliminary Task to Final Task

When looking at how my research and planning skills have improved from when creating my Preliminary Task to my Final Radio Production, it is evident that my skills have advanced and I now have a wider understanding of the technology and software used. 

My Preliminary Task was a very brief radio show that was completed without much research and planning whereas when I created my Final Task i ensured to do much more research and more planning inorder for the task to be as best as possible. It occurred to me that it was extremely important to find the best vocal range so that the Radio sounds as authentic as possible. 

When doing my preliminary task, i used a small amount of technology. This gave me  slight experience and an idea of what I will be doing for my Final Radio show and it definitely prepared me for when I started to edit and then completed my final radio task, however not in so much detail. When finished recording for my Final Task, i was introduced to different forms of editing on the Adobe Software.  I was able to mix different sound effects together to create the perfect sounds needed on the clips. 

After all learning all of this, and understanding how to do work with the software, It gave me more enthusiasm to make harder adverts and challenge myself to complete them. I included Voxpops, outside broadcasts, music and different sound effects which made everything more authentic and realistic. 

Below is a clip from my Preliminary Task 

Below are two different clips from the same advert. I used the technology to record everyone individually and then combine each clip together

After completing my Preliminary Task, I knew that i had several things that had to be done in order to improve the sound of the Radio Project. I wrote a list of different things that I knew I had to improve

  • Picking better voices to make the radio sound more authentic 
  • While writing my script I will use the language that suits each character more 
  • Use more voices to make the radio sound more authentic 
  • Get better music to attract my target audience 
  • Edit the voices so that there are no stutters

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Evaluation - Technology

When I completed my Preliminary Task I was not so familiar with the technology and the use of the software. It was all very new to me, and very confusing. I learnt about the uses of all different technologies used to create both my Final Task and Preliminary task. I used a SURE SM58 when recording both tasks, all sound effects used was taken from the BBC Sound Effects Library. Adobe 1.5 was the software I used to create the Radio Show. The adobe software allows me to take clips recorded and edit them but shortening them or inserting clips in between. I was also able to create my own background noises during voxpops and interviews to ensure that it sounds as realistic as possible. 

When using the Adobe Multitrack, it allowed me to overlap many different files to create one large final file. I was able to make it sound like there was street sounds in a voxpop without going outside. 

The Microphone was also one of the main uses in recording. It has an anti pop guard to prevent any hissing and unnecessary sounds. When the sounds where not as clear as needed, i was able to remove them with Adobe Audition. It allowed me to combine the tracks using the multitrack option. The software also allowed me to adjust the volume and quality of each sound. This meant that i was able to fade voices in and out - this became useful for my News Stories. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Evaluation - Audience

My aim for my Radio Show media project was to satisfy the listeners for the Radio Station from the ages of sixteen to about thirty. I felt that the Radio Show would appeal more to the Female sector as it is more of the UK POP TOP 40 rather than more upbeat music. After a lot of research, it occurred to me that the best time to create my radio show was during the morning, this is because it is the time that most people are on their way out for the day, and most likely to be listening to the Radio. When doing research I ensured to add adverts to the Radio Show which are not biased to any gender knowing that although the station is mainly targeting females, males are still likely to listen to the station depending on the Music being played. 

It was also important that the reporters for the News Stories included both Male and Female, and also Younger and Older people. This gave me the variety of different tones of voices to pick from and also allowed me to gain greater experience when using the technology. 

When creating my adverts, i carefully considered what the audience would expect when listening to the Radio and also what would attract more audience. Because the Adverts mainly attract a younger audience it occurred to me that a Boots Advert, Tesco's Advert and an Insurance advert would be best. 
I also advertised a Valentines competition to engage the audience to the Show. This gives them more of an experience and reason to listen to the station. 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Evaluation - Institutions

I created my Radio Station to be in-between Capital and Heart. I felt that they target the audience that is easiest for me to recreate and that i was something i was able to do. They are both mainly targeted at females, and play modern music. 
My Radio Station is going to be a commercial radio station which will be funded by the advertising spaces that are sold. It is a show that would be on 7 days a week and mostly 23 hours a day. 

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Evaluation - Representation

Throughout my research and planning for my Radio Show I had to make different choices with the concern of which voice sounds best for each part. When writing my Script, all ideas that came into mind I would write down along the margin of the page of who would be the best person for each part. It was important to get the write characters for the parts so that the Radio sounded the best it could. For each Characters role I asked at least 3 people to do it, and then I picked whoever i thought was best for the role. 

When looking for my Show Presenter I had a vague idea of how i wanted it to sound. I was certain that I wanted a Female for Show Presenter because of the Genre and target audience, it made most sense. I needed to find a female that is able to be serious, and also able to sound professional so that the radio show sounded authentic. I chose to use Gabriella Steinbock who is one of the students at my school as i feel that she sounds very profesional and who has a warm voice which is easy to relate to for the audience. 

After picking my Show Presenter, I thought that the next important thing to find is someone for my Jingle. I chose to use my Teacher Alex, as i find that he has a profesional tone to his voice, and is able to ensure that the Jingle sounds as authentic as possible. 


I then picked my News Presenter. I knew that I wanted someone who sounded most realistic for a news presenter. I knew that a Man would suit best because of the tone of their voice. Finally I picked one of my friends Nathaniel Schimmel who has a soothing and still a serious tone to his voice. I made sure that he did not read too quickly and he annunciated every word perfectly. 

When making my Adverts, I also had to make sure that each characters voice was perfect. For my Boots advert I had to ask my Sister and my teachers daughter to come into school so that i could use them for recording. This is because during my Boots advert, there are children who speak. I felt that by bringing them into record was better than asking a girl to put on a child's voice, this was so that it sounded more authentic and realistic. 

When doing my Tesco advert, I had to ensure that the voice over for the advert sounded as close to someone from Tesco's adverts as possible. Luckily one of the teachers from School, Cris has a friendly and clear voice which is perfect for the Tesco Advert. 

For some some of the Voxpops i asked my Mom to come into school to record for me, this is because i feel that she has a very official voice and she also speaks very calmly and soothing voice. I also used the Drama Teacher, Louise to do the Old Lady's voice from one of the news stories. Louise has experience in doing different types of voices and also made it sound so realistic. 

It took me along time to find people to be in the Radio. I preferred to use mostly Adults because they have more of a Mature voice and are able to be more serious when recording. However, I did still use students in school because for some parts they sounded best and matched the criteria of the stories I was trying create. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Evaluation - Using Conventions

After completing my Preliminary Task, I took it upon myself to listen to different ranges of radio's to gather a stronger idea of how my Radio should sound and be like. It occurred to me that every station has different times, schedules and especially when targeting a different audience - the station offers there particular audience different services. The main stations i compared were Capital, LBC, Heart and Absolute Radio. 

I did a lot of research and planning for my radio production and focused on planning out what the conventions of a radio are. Everything included in the script I wrote for my radio comes from the research on other Radio Stations including Captial Fm, LBC, Magic, Heart, Kiss and Absolute. Seeing the other Radio stations helped me gain an idea for my Jingles, my News stories and Adverts. Everything included in my Final Script of my Radio Show has come from all the research and planning that I did. In every station there were similarities, some more than others but that just depended on the genre and target audience of the station. 

For each Radio Station they had at least 3 or 4 News stories and 3 or 4 adverts. The news bulletins included Voxpops, broadcasts and soundbites. All the background sounds during the news were very serious, this was beneficial for me because i was able to do the same when i was creating my own News Stories and Adverts. 

I had to consider all different factors that i didn't when doing my Preliminary Task. I was concerned about who would feature in my Radio piece. It occurred to me that i had to try different people for different parts until someone sounded best for that bit. For my News Story, i made sure that my Presenter was serious and spoke very quickly, for each advert i thought very carefully who would take each part. This was because it is important to make it sound as realistic as possible.