I decided that i was going to use all three of my Advert ideas as they are all challenging to make and i believe that after all the effort in creating them they will all sound very good. All adverts are different, mostly targeting the same audiences and still targeting different needs for the audience which is an aspect i thought about when writing the scripts.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Monday, 24 December 2012
Advert Idea 3
The third advert I decided to create was an advert that i knew was going to target different audiences from all ages. This advert is an advert on Home insurance. It is one of the many frequent adverts that are played daily on Radio stations and i thought it was an appropriate advert to put in my station
Home insurance advert
Voice 1 – Id
like the following terms and conditions to apply to my home insurance
Voice 2 – I
want to be able to pay for my premium
Voice 3 – with
my debit
Voice 4 – or
credit card
Voice 5 – I
want to be able to get cover if I’m a new home owner
Voice 6 – or
if I’ve owned my property for 40 years
Voice 7 – if I
need to make a claim, I want to be able to call
Voice 8 – or
message someone
Voice 9 – at 3
in the morning
Voice 10 – or
7.00 at night
Voice Over –
at Homes Direct we provide insurance that covers all eventualities, and our
advisors are on hand 24 hours a day all year round.
Call us now on
0845 341 6464 for a free quote or visit us on homesdirect.co.uk
Homes direct
home insurance – piece of mind for all homeowners.
background sound effects for each voice)
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Advert Idea 2
The second advert i made was also based on experience when listening to the radio. LoveFm is the type of radio that targets both teenagers, and younger women, The advert created below is mainly targeting Young mothers who feel that they are struggling with doing more than one thing at once, and also struggling to get things done - Including their Tesco food shopping.
Tesco advert
(sounds of people frantically rushing around/getting into cars)
(sounds of people frantically rushing around/getting into cars)
Wife: so
you’re taking Max to rugby training and then straight on to his guitar lesson
Husband: and
you’re taking Ellie to ballet, and then straight to tennis
Wife: Don’t
forget he needs to be at the party by 2.00
Husband: and
you’ll have to drop Ellie off at swimming at 2.30
Sounds of car doors slamming and engines
starting, squeaky wheels
Voice over –
here at Tesco’s we understand our customer’s lead busy lives, and there often
isn’t the time to push a trolley round our stores.
Various sound effects of clocks ticking,
splashing, rugby whistle etc.
Voice over –
We also appreciate that you cant always be at home to receive our deliveries.
Our Tesco click and collect service means that the goods you’ve ordered will be
packed and waiting in your local store for you to pick up at your convenience.
Tesco checkout
employee – There you go Mr. Smith, all packed and ready for you
Husband: might
even have time for a coffee
Voice over-
Tesco, every little helps
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Advert Idea 1
Advert 1 - When listening to all different radio shows, it was evident to me of what type of adverts each different radio station has, each radio station plays adverts that will interest their audience, and something the audience might find useful. The first advert i've made is a boots advert. I created it after doing a lot of research on the the types of Adverts boots create and the ones that are played on the Radio.
Something I needed to take into consideration is that when listening to a Radio Advert there it is all listening, so therefore the audience needs to visualise the advert. This is done with sound affects and different editing affects.
When writing a script for this advert, i thought that because Valentines day is coming up it would be nice to connect my advert to the special day.
Boots advert
(sound effects needed)– kids grab Dad and push him into the cupboard,
(sound effects needed)– kids grab Dad and push him into the cupboard,
Kid 1- dad,
have you got anything for mom for Valentines Day?
Dad- um, no um
she said she doesn’t need anything…
Kid 1- (on
walky-talky sound effects) Operation useless Dad is a go; I repeat it’s a go
Kid 2- How
about the YSL perfume set?
Kid 3- or what
about the GHD Hair straighteners
Dad- How about
Voice Over – Take
advantage of our 2 for 1 deals on selected items at Boots this Valentines Day
Kid 1-
Operation successful, Dad
Dad- Yeh?
Kid 1- we were
never here…
Boots, lets give love
(Possibly 2
music tracks – tense thriller music e.g. mission impossible, (maybe) Here come
the girls/ something like that)
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Potential Products
After listening to Radios and understanding what types of Products are sold and advertised it helped me with my understanding of what i should be advertising on my upcoming Radio Show. Because of the Target Audience for my Radio Station, it helps give me a larger understanding of what i need to offer in order to satisfy the customers and audience.
I came up with some suggestions as to what I should advertise \
- Cosmetics
- Superdrug free delivery offer
- Boots 2 for 1 Valentines offer
- New EE mobile phone deals
- Insurance for Home
- Car Insurance
- Tesco advert
- Waitrose offer
- Innocent Health drinks
- Grazia Magazine promotional offer for Valentines day
Friday, 30 November 2012
Comparing 3 Different Radio Stations Adverts and News Stories
Below is an annotation of different Radio Stations that i listened to when gathering ideas for my News Stories and Adverts. I was able to listen to the News on a TuneIn App so that I could record it and re-listen to it when I wanted.
When listening to Capital FM "The Home Run with Greg Burns" I was able to get a greater understanding of what adverts and news stories are used.
The adverts included:
- Race for Life in association with Tesco
- Car Insurance
- ESSO Petrol Promotion
- New Phone Contracts with O2

From this i was able to roughly pick some potential adverts for my Radio Station.
The News Stories for Capital included:
- Man accused for killing a Girl - Case restarts tomorrow at Old Bailey
- Police found 3 woman being held hostage for 10 years
- Factory Collapse in Asia effecting UK sales
- 5 Men have been arrested because they started a fight at an FA Cup game
- Boris Johnson is delighted after being voted the coolest person on Twitter
- Leister Square Premier

LBC's News included:
- A reminder that there is Football at White Heart Lane, where Tottenham will be playing at home so therefore there will be traffic building up around that area
- Baker-loo Line Delays
- 2 England born midfielders have received a call up to the Scotland Squad
- New Manager to be assigned
Magic FM was the last station i listened to and they advertised different products and had different news stories
- Car Insurance
- Home Insurance
- RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, Garden Festival
- Matalan Winter collection clothing advert - 3 for 2
- Lufthansa discounted flights
and the News Stories Included:
- David Cameron launching a new task force to crack down on extremism of murders
- Police question 3 men who murdered someone in South London
- Man stabbed just outside Manchester
- 2 British men arrested for endangering an aircraft when the plane had to make an emergency landing
- Motorcyclist has been killed in Kent after a collision with a speeding car
With all of this information gathered, it allows me start creating my adverts and news stories
Friday, 23 November 2012
Comparing 3 different Radio Stations
When comparing three different Radio Stations I noticed all differences.
Capital is the type of Radio station that plays the UK TOP 40 Singles and the most popular music for todays youngsters. They have minimum talking and more music. It targets a very particular niche and managing to satisfy their audience. While looking through their schedule it was evident to me that they don't have the same timetable for each day and that everyday the schedule changes. Monday is the only main different one it is on for the longest time, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all the same and then Saturday and Sunday are both similar.
The Monday schedule starts with Will Cozens at 12.00am and the show finishes at 10pm. The first show is from 12.00am-2.00am the second presenter is from 2.00am-3.00am. The third presenter is from 3.00am-6.00am, the fourth presenter is from 6.00am-10.00am. The fifth presenter is from 10.00am-1.00pm and the sixth presenter is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The seventh presenter is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and finally the eighth presenter is from 7.00pm-10.00pm
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the broadcast starts at 2.00am-10.00pm with "The Capital Mix tape" starting off from 2.00am-3.00am. The second presenter is from 3.00am-6.00am, the third is from 6.00am-10.00am. The fourth presenter is from 10.00am-1.00pm and the fifth presenter is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The sixth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and the seventh is from 7.00pm-10.00pm.
On Saturday the broadcast starts at 12.00am with Andi Durrant and finishes at 8.00pm. The first session is from 12.00am-3.00am and the second one is from 3.00am-5.00am the third is from 5.00am-6.00am, the fourth session is from 6.00am-8.00am and the fifth is from 8.00am-12.pm. The sixth is from 12.00pm-4.00pm and the last one is from 4.00pm-8.00pm.
Finally the Sunday Schedule starts at 12.00am and also finishes at 10.00pm. It also starts off with Andi Durrant at 12.00am-3.00am and then from 3.00am-5.00am is the second presenter, the third presenter is from 5.00am-8.00am and the third is from 8.00am-12.00am. The fourth is from 12.00am-4.00pm and then the fifth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm. The sixth is last one and its from 7.00pm-10.00pm.
All this information is available on the Capital website - http://www.capitalfm.com/london/on-air/schedule/?date=2013-03-10
The next radio station I looked at was LBC
LBC stands for "Londons Biggest Conversation" it is a constant conversation, and no music. The Schedule shows that on Monday is mainly the only different to the rest of the week, as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is the same and Saturday and Sunday are both similar.
The Monday schedule starts with Anthony Davidson at 12.00am and the show finishes at 10pm. The first show is from 12.00am-1.00am the second presenter is from 1.00am-4.00am. The third presenter is from 4.00am-6.30am, the fourth presenter is from 6.30am-7.00am. The fifth presenter is from 7.00am-1.00pm and the sixth presenter is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The seventh presenter is from 4.00pm-8.00pm and finally the eighth presenter is from 8.00pm-10.00pm
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the broadcast starts at 1.00am-10.00pm with Duncan Barkes starting off. The second presenter is from 4.00am-6.30am, the third is from 6.30am-7.00am. The fourth presenter is from 7.00am-10.00am and the fifth presenter is from 10.00am-1.00pm. The sixth is from 1.00pm-4.00pm and the seventh is from 4.00pm-8.00pm and lastly the eighth is from 8.00pm-10.00pm. The only real difference is that the Tuesday-Friday broadcast is an hour shorter than the Monday Broadcast..
On Saturday the broadcast starts at 1.00am with Cristo and also finishes at 10.00pm. It has longer sessions than the rest of the week. The first session is from 1.00am-5.00am and the second one is from 5.00am-7.00am the third is from 7.00am-10.00am, the fourth session is from 10.00am-1.00pm and the fifth is from 1.00pm-2.30pm. The sixth is from 2.30pm-6.30pm and the last one is from 6.30-10.00pm.
Finally the Sunday Schedule starts at 1.00am and also finishes at 10.00pm. It also starts off with Cristo at 1.00am-5.00am and then from 5.00am-6.00am is the second presenter, the third presenter is from 6.00am-7.00am and the third is from 7.00am-10.00am. The fourth is from 10.00am-1.00pm and then the fifth is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The sixth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and the last one is from 7.00pm-10.00pm.
All this information is available on the LBC website - http://www.lbc.co.uk/lbc-973-fm-schedule-3636
The last Radio station i looked at was Magic
Magic is the type of Radio Station that mainly plays old songs and target a very different group than LBC and Capital does. Magic's weekday broadcast all has the same schedule and Saturday and Sunday are both different.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all have the same schedule, they start at 1.00am and finish at 12.00am. It starts with "Mellow Magic" at 1.00am-5.00am then the second presenter from 5.00am-9.00. Then it goes onto the third presenter from 9.00am-1.00pm and then from 1.00pm-5.00pm. Then the fifth presenter from 5.00pm-8.00pm and then lastly the sixth from 8.00pm-12.00am.
Saturday the time slots are just different starting at 1.00am-6.00am and then from 6.00am-10.00. The third presenter is from 10.00am-1.00pm and then the fourth is from 1.00pm-5.00pm. From 5.00pm-8.00pm is the fifth and then finally from 8.00pm-12.00am is the last presenter.
Sunday has the most presenters as the rest of the days only have 6, and Sunday has 7. It starts from 1.00am-12.00am like the others. It starts at 1.00am-6.00am and then the second one is from 6.00am-10.00am. Then the third is from 10.00am-2.00pm and the fourth is from 2.00pm-4.00pm. The fifth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and then the sixth is from 7.00pm-8.00pm leaving the seventh to be 8.00pm-12.00am.
All this information is available on the Magic website - http://www.magic.co.uk/on-air/station-schedule/
Capital is the type of Radio station that plays the UK TOP 40 Singles and the most popular music for todays youngsters. They have minimum talking and more music. It targets a very particular niche and managing to satisfy their audience. While looking through their schedule it was evident to me that they don't have the same timetable for each day and that everyday the schedule changes. Monday is the only main different one it is on for the longest time, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all the same and then Saturday and Sunday are both similar.
The Monday schedule starts with Will Cozens at 12.00am and the show finishes at 10pm. The first show is from 12.00am-2.00am the second presenter is from 2.00am-3.00am. The third presenter is from 3.00am-6.00am, the fourth presenter is from 6.00am-10.00am. The fifth presenter is from 10.00am-1.00pm and the sixth presenter is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The seventh presenter is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and finally the eighth presenter is from 7.00pm-10.00pm

On Saturday the broadcast starts at 12.00am with Andi Durrant and finishes at 8.00pm. The first session is from 12.00am-3.00am and the second one is from 3.00am-5.00am the third is from 5.00am-6.00am, the fourth session is from 6.00am-8.00am and the fifth is from 8.00am-12.pm. The sixth is from 12.00pm-4.00pm and the last one is from 4.00pm-8.00pm.
Finally the Sunday Schedule starts at 12.00am and also finishes at 10.00pm. It also starts off with Andi Durrant at 12.00am-3.00am and then from 3.00am-5.00am is the second presenter, the third presenter is from 5.00am-8.00am and the third is from 8.00am-12.00am. The fourth is from 12.00am-4.00pm and then the fifth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm. The sixth is last one and its from 7.00pm-10.00pm.
All this information is available on the Capital website - http://www.capitalfm.com/london/on-air/schedule/?date=2013-03-10
The next radio station I looked at was LBC
LBC stands for "Londons Biggest Conversation" it is a constant conversation, and no music. The Schedule shows that on Monday is mainly the only different to the rest of the week, as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is the same and Saturday and Sunday are both similar.
The Monday schedule starts with Anthony Davidson at 12.00am and the show finishes at 10pm. The first show is from 12.00am-1.00am the second presenter is from 1.00am-4.00am. The third presenter is from 4.00am-6.30am, the fourth presenter is from 6.30am-7.00am. The fifth presenter is from 7.00am-1.00pm and the sixth presenter is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The seventh presenter is from 4.00pm-8.00pm and finally the eighth presenter is from 8.00pm-10.00pm

On Saturday the broadcast starts at 1.00am with Cristo and also finishes at 10.00pm. It has longer sessions than the rest of the week. The first session is from 1.00am-5.00am and the second one is from 5.00am-7.00am the third is from 7.00am-10.00am, the fourth session is from 10.00am-1.00pm and the fifth is from 1.00pm-2.30pm. The sixth is from 2.30pm-6.30pm and the last one is from 6.30-10.00pm.
Finally the Sunday Schedule starts at 1.00am and also finishes at 10.00pm. It also starts off with Cristo at 1.00am-5.00am and then from 5.00am-6.00am is the second presenter, the third presenter is from 6.00am-7.00am and the third is from 7.00am-10.00am. The fourth is from 10.00am-1.00pm and then the fifth is from 1.00pm-4.00pm. The sixth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and the last one is from 7.00pm-10.00pm.
All this information is available on the LBC website - http://www.lbc.co.uk/lbc-973-fm-schedule-3636
The last Radio station i looked at was Magic
Magic is the type of Radio Station that mainly plays old songs and target a very different group than LBC and Capital does. Magic's weekday broadcast all has the same schedule and Saturday and Sunday are both different.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all have the same schedule, they start at 1.00am and finish at 12.00am. It starts with "Mellow Magic" at 1.00am-5.00am then the second presenter from 5.00am-9.00. Then it goes onto the third presenter from 9.00am-1.00pm and then from 1.00pm-5.00pm. Then the fifth presenter from 5.00pm-8.00pm and then lastly the sixth from 8.00pm-12.00am.

Sunday has the most presenters as the rest of the days only have 6, and Sunday has 7. It starts from 1.00am-12.00am like the others. It starts at 1.00am-6.00am and then the second one is from 6.00am-10.00am. Then the third is from 10.00am-2.00pm and the fourth is from 2.00pm-4.00pm. The fifth is from 4.00pm-7.00pm and then the sixth is from 7.00pm-8.00pm leaving the seventh to be 8.00pm-12.00am.
All this information is available on the Magic website - http://www.magic.co.uk/on-air/station-schedule/
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Target Audience

- The Gender of the Audience
- The Location of the Audience
- The Age range of the Audience
- The lifestyle of the Audience
- How often the Audience listen to the Radio

Monday, 12 November 2012
For my primary research I created a questionnaire regarding relevant information of my audience. The questionnaire is attached below.
In my questionnaire I included important questions which can be seen below on the questionnaire
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Comparing the 8 News Stories
All the different News Stories were taken from different News Networks. I used CNN, BBC, FOX News and the DailyMail. This gave me a variety of all different types of News Articles that were presented for all different categories. CNN and FOX News are based in the United States so it allowed me to access their top news stories. BBC and the DailyMail are both British News Networks and therefore their priorities for their News stories are mainly based in the United Kingdom.
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